A man had a neighbor who never had any visitors because he was always so angry and bitter. He looked like he was withering away.
His neighbor's home was old and grey. His grass was dead and his trees barren.
The withered man one day knocked on his door and asked "Neighbor, how is it that you and yours are always so happy? Why do people flock to your home? What is the secret? Help me to understand".
The man through the kindness of his heart told him "I have a trough in the back of my house, that supplies me with what I need. Come let me show you".
He led the withered man to the back of his house and there stood a door. He reached into his trousers and took out of it a silver key. He put the key in the door, turned it and a cool burst of air, smelling of flowers blew at them both.
What lay before them was a small trough 2 x 2 in dimension, made of silver. The trough glowed and the water seemed to sparkle. In just seeing the trough, the withered man felt relief. He turned back at his neighbor and for once in a long time, smiled.
"Here is the source from where I drink. When I drink from it, it brings me peace." said the good neighbor, "I can not make you drink, or make you walk through the door, but I offer it to you."
The withered man hesitantly and slowly moved to the trough, he stuck his hands in the sparkling water to test it, then slowly started to drink.
He suddenly saw his hands return to youth, his nails which were dirty cleansed. He was no longer hunched over by the burdens of his past.
He looked over at the neighbor and with tears in his eyes said, " Thank you kind sir. For your love, has allowed me to see with clarity and allowed me to forget my troubles, I am renewed".
The man led the neighbor out of his home, and at the door told him, "Come back if you ever need some more."
Every morning for the next few months, the man looked across to his neighbors house and no longer saw withered grass or barren trees. He saw life grow on every inch of his neighbors yard.
And every morning the once withered man, waved and smiled at his friend starting at him from the window. Through the many months, they talked and sometimes they shared each other's company.
The once withered man had many people visit him, flock to him to marvel at his beautiful home and enjoy his company.
Months passed and the once withered man kept inviting his rescuer neighbor over, but he stopped coming.
The very man who had once shared his trough, started boarding up his own home and would not allow anyone to enter.
The once withered man not understanding what was happening, could only wonder.
The withered man made several attempts to share even more of his fortunes, for he had found a gold trough of his own hidden behind a door in his home. He drank from it everyday, and always gave thanks to his neighbor for guiding him to it and for the one who put the trough there for him to drink.
But the man who was once his rescuer, no longer waved to him.
The man looking through his boarded up window said to himself bitterly, "Who does he think he is drinking so much from that trough! Why does he continue to drink from it everyday?"
Bitterness and uncertainty took over him. His home and porch grew barren and he himelf slowly started to wither.
He shut the curtains in his home, because he was completely consumed, and because of that consumption, he forgot, that he too had a key, to his own trough in his own pocket.
What happens to people? Why do they push away? They lead you to water, then when you drink from it, they tell you, "You are drinking too much."
One can only wonder.
I guess there's a reason......
I will wait, for my house has no door, it is open and leads right to my trough, free to those who come to drink from it.