What am I lacking in you?
Why the need to be one way or the other?
Why not be both or neither?
When did the you get lost in you?
Things are not to fill your void, only to keep you void.
Be you, not your thoughts.
Your escape, is my sadness. Don't bind me too.
Come back before you are caught.
Freedom is now.
I can't be your life, but I love that you are in mine.
The projection I saw was not the one I know.
Will we be the same?
When do we realize something has changed? And really, ask yourself, what has changed?
Well the answer is easy! Your mind has changed.
I don't understand what happened to me tonight, but my mind has changed, or, the Ego has latched on to another "mental issue".
What causes insecurity? Fear.
Fear of losing. Attachment to something that can't be held, only experienced.
Awareness leads to the answers within, but those answers can only be found if you can be still enough to hear them.
Although I know that this too shall pass, I can't wait, and waiting can cause suffering.
Waiting, now observed, will also pass.