I have been "badgering" for quite a while and still can't seem to find my home. The song, "I still haven't found what I am looking for" by U2 is where I continually "find" myself and says it best.
The saints, guru's and mystics say that what we all really long for is Love, God and compassion. Is that the home we all search for?
Is that all I need? If so, can you please tell me how or where I can get such things?
I am told that Truth is a person, but this Truth seems so distant to me. This Truth seems so irrelevant in my life at the moment.
And so, I search and dig.
I was recently told by my doctor that I have to lose weight. That I can do! Because through experience, I have made that home before, so I know exactly how much to dig to get to it. But these other aspects of life like work, relationships, God, the universe, religion are all places that this Badger fails to find.
It seems that once you think you have it, you learn that there's something else that shifts the dirt or fills the "whole."
I don't think that we are meant to live like badgers that continuously dig and dig because it doesn't seem to be working.
I guess the saying, "Where you go, there you are" is where I am and it sure feels lonely here.