On the surface and in the daylight, I look fine,
But at night the old memories still haunt me,
The constant battle to get back what I can no longer have keeps me in the past.
Even with the mask I wear and protection I surround myself with, I can't let go.
My darkest fears keep my aliveness and light away like a ScareCrow.
The biggest Joke is that I am my own worst enemy, the Joke will never die until I let go.
The love I find can never tame me, for I do not know I am out of control.
Why do I live in the darkness of my past, fighting a battle I will never win? This Riddle eludes me.
The enemies keep appearing again and again, even though I try to lock them up deep in my asylum.
I feel I need to save others from what happened to me, but who in the end saves me?
I am Batman.
The psychology of the Dark Knight character is a reflection of our own human condition.
To live in the past is to suffer.
People live their life and completely identify their lives with the burdens and negative emotions of the past. They act out every day with this pain, anger, resentment etc..
A Living Pain Body.
To live in that way is to live in darkness. Never seeing the light. Gotham keeps getting worse.
It never seems to get better.
The Joker never dies and keeps coming back to haunt Batman because the Joker is Batman.
The Joker being in Batman's reality, comes through Batman.
Once the awareness of the Joker enters Batman's mind, the Joker is now Batman. It is the connectedness we share.
Look up at the night sky. There are 2 things there. First things are objects, known as stars, planets, galaxies etc..
The other is Space. The vastness that is incomprehensible. You can't destroy space or grab it.
That's basically what the world consists of....Objects and Space.
These same two dimensions exists in you, but humans have been lost in one.
Physical objects, events, situations, thoughts, etc.. This is called object consciousness.
The 2nd is space consciousness. The true you, where your essence resides.
You will never have anything from object consciousness complete you if your identity is completely identified with things based in object consciousness.
People die, objects break, etc... all things of object consciousness.
Good times pass. Bad times pass. Accept them for what they are.
Everything whether good or bad in the object consciousness eventually dissolves.
You have to live in the space given to you.
How do you find this space? You live in the Now.
Acceptance of what is Now.
With no preconditions, baggage, negative pain. No baggage. No Pain Body living.
No mind movement.
Look at the sentence below:
I think that ________________________________________ you are a great person.
In the intentional space I put between the words THAT and YOU, that momentary space of no thought, is where you find space consciousness.
When people speak, pay attention to not only the words, but the spaces in between them.
It will raise your awareness. Helping you live in the Now.
Don't live like Batman, on the borderline of madness.
Do not live in the dysfunctional mind.
To simply become aware of the stillness or silence within you is to have space consciousness.
Don't try to look for it, because the minute you start looking is a hope for the future. Hope is a thought based in object consciousness. Just be aware. Allow.